Please feel free to email us regarding the EINCO 2021 Conference at einco.fse@gmail.com
For technical questions regarding the ON-LINE REGISTRATION and paper submission, please e-mail to Mr. Zsolt-Ioan CEGHI: iceghi@uoradea.ro
Conference Chair: Alina BĂDULESCU PhD, e-mail: abadulescu@uoradea.ro
Executive Conference Chair: Mirabela MATEI, e-mail: mmatei@uoradea.ro

The 17th International Conference on European Integration – New Challenges – EINCO 2021
is organized by:
The University of Oradea, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Oradea, Romania,
in partnership with:
Asociaţia Facultăţilor de Economie din România /
The Association of the Faculties of Economic Sciences of Romania (AFER),
The Association of the Faculties of Economic Sciences of Romania (AFER),
Asociația Generală a Economiștilor din România /
The General Association of the Economists of Romania (AGER),
The General Association of the Economists of Romania (AGER),
Academia Română, Institutul de Economie Națională /
The Romanian Academy, The Institute of National Economy (IEN),
The Romanian Academy, The Institute of National Economy (IEN),
Academia Română, Institutul Național de Cercetări Economice /
The Romanian Academy, The National Institute of Economic Researches (INCE),
The Romanian Academy, The National Institute of Economic Researches (INCE),
The Leadership Institute, USA (Li),
Societatea Academică de Management din România /
The Romanian Academic Society of Management (SAMRO),
The Romanian Academic Society of Management (SAMRO),
Corpul Experților Contabili și Contabililor Autorizați din România – filiala Bihor /
The Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania – Bihor County Branch (CECCAR)
The Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania – Bihor County Branch (CECCAR)
Centrul de Cercetare pentru Competitivitate și Dezvoltare Durabilă /
The Research Centre for Competitiveness and Sustained Development (CCCDD),
The Research Centre for Competitiveness and Sustained Development (CCCDD),
Centrul de Documentare Europeană din cadrul Universității din Oradea /
European Documentation Centre Oradea, University of Oradea (EDCO),
European Documentation Centre Oradea, University of Oradea (EDCO),
under the patronage of the “Jean Monnet” European Modules:
“European Economic Integration”,
“International Trade and European Trade Policy”
“EU Sustainable Economic Development and Competitiveness”.
“International Trade and European Trade Policy”
“EU Sustainable Economic Development and Competitiveness”.