Call for Reviewers
The Editorial Board of the Journal “The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences” – Tom XXX, 2021, ISSN 1582-5450 (electronic format), ISSN 1222-569X (print format), Oradea University Press is seeking individuals to double-blind review papers submitted to the 17th International Conference on European Integration – New Challenges – EINCO 2021 held online at the University of Oradea, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Oradea, Romania on 27-28 May 2021
The Call for Reviewers is available here. This Call will close on 12 April 2021. All applicants must fill in the electronic Reviewer Application Form.
EINCO 2021 will implement a double-blind peer review process (please read our “Review Policy”)
The success and strength of the EINCO 2021 technical and scientific program depends on volunteers taking a few minutes of their precious time to read papers submitted and giving a thoughtful review. Being a reviewer is a matter of prestige and personnel achievement. All peer-reviewers will be mentioned on a special acknowledgement-area of our EINCO website called “EINCO 2021 Editorial Review Board“.
Peer reviewers are expected to help maintain the outstanding reputation of the Journal “The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences” by identifying exceptional and timely papers. Engaging highly qualified reviewers with expertise and experience in Economic Sciences content areas and topics defined in the Call for Papers is essential to the on-going success of the Journal “The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences” as well as of the EINCO future.
Efforts of reviewers are the key for the objectives of a fair and timely review process for all the papers submitted to the EINCO 2021 and the publications of only papers of the highest quality. We greatly appreciate reviewers for their help.
Basic Requirements for Reviewers
- Having a doctorate (or an equivalent degree) and expertise in subject(s) covered by one or more EINCO 2021 Sub-sections topic areas (please, see “Sections and Sub-sections Descriptions & Contacts”)
- Proficiency in English (the papers submitted to the EINCO 2021 are written in English)
- Previous experience reviewing proposals for related conferences or publications; significant publishing and reviewing experience
- Commitment to assume and comply with the Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
- Commitment to complete review of all assigned proposals (typically up to 3) by 7 May 2021 deadline
Review Policy
The Review Policy is available on the EINCO 2021 website.
Each reviewer will receive via e-mail a range of up to 3 submitted papers to the EINCO 2021 no later than 25 April 2021 and will need to complete off‐line double-blind evaluations no later than 7 May 2021. Please note that volunteering as a peer reviewer represents a significant time commitment and responsibility for ensuring timely and thorough reviews of all assigned papers. Reviewers are eligible to present at the Conference. They are prohibited from reviewing papers submitted by professional colleagues employed by the same organization.
Papers must comply with the Model paper available at:
The accepted papers (after the double-blind review evaluation process) can be published in the Journal “The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences” – Tom XXX, 2021, ISSN 1582-5450 (electronic format), ISSN 1222-569X (print format), Oradea University Press, B+ CNCSIS – Romania, and ERIH-PLUS, RePEc, EBSCO, DOAJ, SCIPIO, CABELL’S DIRECTORY OF PUBLISHING OPPORTUNITIES indexed journal. Our Journal issues are submitted for accreditation on publication.
Other details:
For detailed information please visit the EINCO 2021 website.
We look forward to receiving your Reviewer applications and kindly ask you to disseminate the call to other possible interested applicants.
For assistance with questions regarding this Call for Reviewers, please e-mail
Conference Chair:
Professor Alina BĂDULESCU Ph.D.
Executive Conference Chair:
Associate professor Mirabela Matei, Ph.D.
Editor-in-chief of the The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences
Professor Diana SABĂU-POPA, Ph.D.
For technical questions regarding the on-line registration and paper submission, please e-mail to Mr. Zsolt CEGHI: