Review Policy
This review policy is followed for all papers submitted to all further editions of the EINCO conference managed by the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Oradea, starting with the 10th edition – EINCO 2014.
In the first instance, contributors are asked to submit a full paper not exceeding 5000 words in length, including abstract, figures, references and appendices for a total of 10 pages, which must comply with the Model paper. The conference selection panel considers all full papers that are received by the published closing date.
When the full paper is submitted, it is double-blind reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee of the Journal titled “Analele Universităţii din Oradea. Ştiinţe Economice / The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences” (AUOES), ISSN-1582-5450 (electronic format, CD-ROM and on-line), ISSN – 122569X (print format), Editura Universităţii din Oradea / Oradea University Press, to ensure an adequate scientific standard, that the paper is of a suitable length, the standard of English is adequate and the paper is appropriately referenced. The double-blind review focuses on 14 issues intended to ensure that the paper is relevant to the EINCO conference goals and objectives, is of a sufficiently high quality to be accepted for presentation at the conference as well as for the publication in the AUOES, and meets the submission criteria laid down by the AUOES Editorial Board. A copy of the review form that is sent to reviewers can be seen here.
For authors whose first language is not English we request to have their work proof-read prior to submission by a native English speaker (or at least a fluent English speaker). Papers can be rejected due to a poor standard of English.
In the event that a reviewer rejects a paper, a second opinion will be taken and the final decision about acceptance will be made by the AUOES Editorial Board.
After the double-blind reviewing process, the Editorial Board sends a notification e-mail of paper/s acceptance or rejection to the author/s. The author/s whose paper/s is/are accepted contains the notification of paper/s acceptance (with any requested changes after the double-blind reviewing process) and the information about the foreseen presentation type of the accepted paper/s: either oral or Poster-type presentation in the section the paper is affiliated with. Different templates for the Poster-type presentation are available for download in the Poster-type Presentation Tips and Templates to download section of the EINCO Conference.
The AUOES issues are produced in both printed and electronic form.
Submission dates can be found on the web page for each individual edition of the EINCO conference.