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Flavius Lucian MILĂȘAN

“Babeș-Bolyai” University, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Management, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Abstract: The article focuses on several relevant directions for what the profile of the cultural institutions manager in the Romanian public domain represents, accentuating a specific type of public institution, meaning, the students’ houses of culture. The questionnaire was the method used to obtain the data concerning the manager’s activity and his role within the Romanian public cultural institution. The research survey consisted of a questionnaire made up of five questions, which was sent to all the managers of the cultural houses of the students in Romania and to some other managers of cultural institutions (theaters, museums, libraries, cultural departments). The answers received were summarized and ranked according to the most important areas of interest regarding management and the institutional role assumed by the cultural manager. The results of the questionnaires showed that the role of manager of a state cultural institution in Romania is challenging and full of contradictions and dilemmas. All respondents agreed that being a manager in a cultural institution requires knowing very well the target group(s) or the beneficiaries of the organized activities and having the necessary vision to satisfy exactly those cultural needs that they require. The main problem is that the human and material resources to satisfy these needs are often limited, so the manager is the one who must make correct and firm decisions regarding the distribution of these resources so that the proposed objectives turn into the expected results. Mainly, the measures for change and a productive management are: facilitating the attraction of income (own, subsidies, other types of financing) for the development of the activity of the students’ culture houses, including on the part of investments in the existing cultural heritage; increasing the number of employees, as well as their appropriate motivation in terms of salary (and/or other benefits); the creation of effective levers for closer collaboration between similar institutions in Romania; promoting the institution through professional marketing means; continuous adaptation of the institution’s actions to the current needs of students.


Keywords: Cultural Public Institutions; Public Management; Artistic Innovation; Cultural entrepreneurship; Romanian students’ cultural houses; Youngsters Non-formal Education; Governmental public policies.




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