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Calin Alexandru SERAC

Department of Economics and Business, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania


Abstract: Digital transformation has revolutionized the way organizations operate, enabling them to leverage advanced technologies for increased efficiency and productivity. However, along with the benefits, digital transformation also brings new vulnerabilities and risks, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity. This abstract aims to provide an overview of the vulnerabilities associated with digital transformation and highlight the importance of assessing risks and strengthening cybersecurity measures to mitigate potential threats.

The rapid adoption of cloud computing, Internet of Things devices, and interconnected systems has expanded the attack surface for cybercriminals. Organizations must recognize the potential vulnerabilities introduced by these technologies, such as data breaches, system failures, and unauthorized access. Understanding the specific risks associated with digital transformation is crucial for developing effective cybersecurity strategies.

Assessing risks involves evaluating the organization’s digital infrastructure, identifying potential weak points, and determining the likelihood and potential impact of various threats. This process enables organizations to prioritize cybersecurity efforts and allocate resources effectively. It also involves evaluating the security measures in place, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, encryption protocols, and employee training programs, to ensure they are up to date and resilient against emerging threats.

Strengthening cybersecurity requires a multi-layered approach that encompasses technical measures, organizational policies, and a culture of security awareness. Implementing robust security controls, such as regular software updates, network segmentation, and access controls, helps fortify digital systems against attacks. Additionally, establishing incident response plans and conducting regular security audits aids in identifying vulnerabilities and responding swiftly to cyber incidents.

Furthermore, fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness among employees is essential. Educating staff on best practices, such as strong password management, phishing awareness, and safe browsing habits, empowers them to become the first line of defence against cyber threats.


Keywords: digital transformation vulnerabilities, data breaches, cyber threats, cyber security.



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