Journal Presentation
Title: Analele Universității din Oradea. Seria Științe Economice
Subject: Economic Sciences Journal
Themes: International Business and European Integration; Economics and Business Administration; Finance, Banking and Accounting; Management and Marketing.
First publication: 1994
Periodicity: bi-annual (1st issue – July; 2nd issue – December)
Type of publication: scientific / academic
Language of publication: English
Editor-in-chief: Diana SABĂU-POPA, Ph.D.
Associate editors:
Dorin Cristian COITA, Ph.D.
Diana Claudia PERȚICAȘ, Ph.D.
Oradea University Press / University of Oradea Publishing House:
ISSN 1582-5450 (electronic edition)
ISSN 1222-569X (print edition)
The Journal is indexed in the following international data bases:
- RePEc
- EBSCO – indexed in Business Source Complete and Business Source Corporate Plus
Web site:, CNCSIS citation: B+, since 2007; CNCSIS code: 665; BDI indexes: ERIH PLUS, RePEc, DOAJ, EBSCO (indexed in collections: Business Source Complete and Business Source Corporate Plus), SCIPIO , CABELL’S DIRECTORY OF PUBLISHING OPPORTUNITIES.
The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences has been published since 1994, after the annual conference organized by the Faculty of Economics, University of Oradea. Every year, the papers of the Conference organized by the Faculty of Economics of the University of Oradea were published, in volume and/or electronic support (CD) in the Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences, a journal published by the University of Oradea Publishing House, ISSN 1582-5450 (electronic edition), ISSN 1222-569X (print edition), a CNCSIS B+ journal, CNCSIS code 665, indexed in BDI: ERIH PLUS, RePEc, DOAJ, EBSCO and CABELL’S Directory of Publishing Opportunities (pending listing).
Until 2006, the journal was published in Romanian, with abstracts in English. Between 2007-2010, the papers of the journal were published in one of the international languages: English, French, Italian, or German, with abstract in English. Starting with 2011, the journal will be entirely published in English.
Until 2009, the journal was issued annually. Since 2010 the journal has been published biannually (1st issue July; 2nd issue December).
All the volumes published so far are available on the journal site in pdf. format, at Archive.
For the 2021 issues (1st issue July 2021, 2nd issue December 2021), the papers will be registered on-line for the following sections (sub-sections):
- International Businesses and European Integration (International Relations; EU Sustainable Economic Development and Competitiveness; The Impact of Foreign Languages on the Business Environment);
- Economics and Business Administration (Economics; Business Administration; Economic Statistics);
- Finances, Banking and Accounting (Finances; Banking; Accounting);
- Management and Marketing (Management; Marketing; Economic Informatics).
Journal History (in Romanian Language only)