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Media Partner of the EINCO 2017:


We are delighted to announce that the response to the call for papers for the 13th International Conference on European Integration – New Challenges – EINCO 2017 being held at the University of Oradea, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Oradea, Romania on 25-27 May 2017, has been excellent.

However due to a number of requests for extensions, we are keeping the call open until the 21th of April 2017.

This call will close on 14 April 2017 21 April 2017.

For more information please go to:

Please feel free to circulate this information to any colleagues or contacts you think may be interested.



The 13th International Conference on European Integration – New Challenges – EINCO 2017

is organized by:

The University of Oradea, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Oradea, Romania,

 in partnership with:

Asociaţia Facultăţilor de Economie din România /

The Association of the Faculties of Economic Sciences of Romania (AFER),

Asociația Generală a Economiștilor din România /

The General Association of the Economists of Romania (AGER),

Academia Română, Institutul de Economie Națională /

The Romanian Academy, The Institute of National Economy (IEN),

Academia Română, Institutul Național de Cercetări Economice /

The Romanian Academy, The National Institute of Economic Researches (INCE),

The Leadership Institute, USA (Li),

Societatea Academică de Management din România /

The Romanian Academic Society of Management (SAMRO),

Corpul Experților Contabili și Contabililor Autorizați din România – filiala Bihor /

The Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania – Bihor County Branch (CECCAR)

Centrul de Cercetare pentru Competitivitate și Dezvoltare Durabilă /

The Research Centre for Competitiveness and Sustained Development (CCCDD),

Centrul de Documentare Europeană din cadrul Universității din Oradea /

European Documentation Centre Oradea, University of Oradea (EDCO),

under the patronage of the “Jean Monnet” European Modules:


“European Economic Integration”,

“International Trade and European Trade Policy”


“EU Sustainable Economic Development and Competitiveness”.

Enjoying an exquisite scientific prestige and an important number of national and international participants, the conference, on its 13th edition, provides opportunity for scientific discussion and collaboration on the broad range of relevant fertile areas associated to recent trends in the field of the Economic Sciences. Over the last decades, there is a growing recognition in economics and business environments of the key role played by economic integration both at the national and world level. In a dynamic environment, uncertain contexts like those we are currently experiencing, the capacity and necessary attitude for economic integration is fundamental and the probability of success is largely expected and determined by the European Union.

At the same time there is a growing recognition of the need of more sustainable development, combining economic, ecologic and social aspects. In this setting and networking in, the European Integration in economics, business and policy making, go hand in hand. EINCO 2017 intends to further provide the framework for relevant scientific debates focused on the challenges faced by the economic integration process in eneral, and by the European Integration, in particular, with reference to both the framework specific to Romania, as one of the EU Member State, as well as the general framework of the latest European policies and practices.

Academic researches, post-doctoral researches, PhD researches, case studies and work-in-progress are welcomed approaches. The author/s whose paper/s is/are accepted will contain the notification of paper/s acceptance (with any requested changes after the double-blind reviewing process) and the information about the foreseen presentation type of the accepted paper/s: either oral or Poster-type presentation in the section the paper is affiliated with. The format of the Poster-type presentation is downloadable at:


The EINCO 2017 Conference Organizing Committee established four broad Sections. Within each of the Sections there are Sub-sections as it follows:


1. Section Economics, Business Administration, Tourism and Economic Statistics

Section Head: Dr. Dorin-Paul BÂC – e-mail:



2. Section Finance, Banking, Accounting and Audit

Section Head: Dr. Claudia-Diana SABĂU-POPA – e-mail:



3. Section International Business, European Integration, Foreign Languages and Business Environment

Section Head: Dr. Liana-Eugenia MEȘTER, e-mail:



4. Section Management, Marketing, Economic Informatics and Cybernetics

Section Head: Dr. Elena-Aurelia BOTEZAT, e-mail:




Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Oradea, University Street, no.1, Oradea, Bihor (See the Googlemap here or by typing EINCO Conference – Universitatea din Oradea into Google Maps).



The language of Conference and publication is English. All papers must be submitted in English.

Exception is accepted for papers submitted to the Sub-section The Impact of Foreign Languages on the Business Environment only, where the abstract of the paper must be written in English, but the paper’s body is allowed to be written in another foreign language than Romanian (e.g. English, French, German etc.), subject to the author/s’ choice.


Instructions for authors:

The papers will be written in English, and will not exceed 5000 words in length, including abstract, figures, references and appendices for a total of 10 pages. Papers must comply with the Model paper available for download at: that explains all the requirements in detail. Papers not conforming to the conference style will be returned.

Each author may submit maximum two papers individual or in collaboration. In the case of submitting two papers, both papers will be registered within the same section / sub-section of the conference. One author/co-author can present up to two papers at the conference, if both are accepted as single author or first author.


Publication opportunity:

The abstracts of the accepted papers (after the double-blind review evaluation process) will be published in the Conference Abstracts’ Volume (Abstracts Proceedings) “European Integration – New Challenges”, Oradea University Press, print format and on-line, subject to author prior registration and payment.

The papers accepted (after the double-blind review evaluation process) will be published in the Journal “The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences” – Tom XXVI, 2017, ISSN 1582-5450 (electronic format), ISSN 1222-569X (print format), Oradea University Press, journal counted by the National Authority as B+ CNCSIS – Romania, and RePEc, EBSCO, DOAJ, SCIPIO, CABELL’S DIRECTORY OF PUBLISHING OPPORTUNITIES, SCOPUS (pending listing – review process) indexed. Our Journal issues are submitted for accreditation on publication. Please note that depending on the accreditation body this process can take up to several months after the journal issue is published/released.

All published papers will be also available, with free full text access (open access), on the site of the journal:


Registration fee:

  • 450 LEI/ paper for national (co)authors; for this fee, ONLY ONE of the (co)authors can attend/participate at the EINCO 2017 activities; in case that other (co)author of one paper would like to attend the EINCO 2017, every additional attending/participating (co)author at the EINCO 2017 activities will have to pay an extra fee of 350 LEI/(co)author; a paper is allowed to have maximum 4 co-authors (including the first author); an author is admitted to submit maximum 2 papers to EINCO 2017 (either as first/single author, or as co-author);
  • 100 EURO/ paper for international (co)authors; for this fee, ONLY ONE of the (co)authors can attend/participate at the EINCO 2017 activities; in case that other (co)author of one paper would like to attend the EINCO 2017, every additional attending/participating (co)author at the EINCO 2017 activities will have to pay an extra fee of 75 EURO/(co)author; a paper is allowed to have maximum 4 co-authors (including the first author); an author is admitted to submit maximum 2 papers to EINCO 2017 (either as first/single author, or as co-author);

There are no discounts offered to authors of the papers accepted to EINCO 2017.

The payment will be made by bank transfer, as follows:

  • in LEI, into the account of “Universitatea din Oradea”, Universitatii Street, No.1, Oradea, CUI/VAT number 4277939, IBAN: RO02TREZ07620F332000XXXX,
    Bank: Trezoreria Oradea,
    Bank address: Strada Dimitrie Cantemir, Nr. 2-4, Oradea, Bihor, Romania, with the specification: “NAME_SURNAME (first author)_Registration fee – Faculty of Economic Sciences – EINCO 2017;
  • in EURO, into the account of “Universitatea din Oradea”, Universitatii Street, No.1, Oradea, CUI/VAT number 4277939, IBAN: RO69BTRLEURCRT0078251101,
    Bank: Banca Transilvania – Sucursala Oradea,
    SWIFT Code: BTRLRO22
    Bank address: B-dul Dacia nr. 38-40, Oradea, Bihor, Romania,
    with the specification: “NAME_SURNAME (first author)_Registration fee – Faculty of Economic Sciences – EINCO 2017”.


The EINCO 2017 Conference registration fee covers the costs involving the Conference registration and programme, entrance to all sessions of the conference, coffee-breaks, lunch and dinner, the Conference Abstracts’ Volume (Abstracts Proceedings), and a conference bag and associated materials. The conference package will be available only for the authors who attend the EINCO 2017 Conference.

Transport and accommodation costs will be covered by participants.



For hotel’s detailed booking information, please visit the hotel offers available on-line, on, or on the EINCO 2017 Conference website –


Other details:

All details of the conference are available online – please check the following webpage:

We look forward to receiving your contributions no later than 14th April 2017 21th April 2017 and seeing you in Oradea, on 25-27 May 2017, and kindly ask you to disseminate the call to other possible interested participants or institutions.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information (


Kind regards,

EINCO 2017 Team

Faculty of Economic Sciences,
University of Oradea, Romania






Please, visit the web site Sections and Sub-sections Descriptions & Contacts at the

Conference Chair: Dr. Alina BĂDULESCU, e-mail:

Executive Conference Chair: Dr. Adriana GIURGIU, e-mail:

For technical questions regarding the on-line registration and paper submission, please contact Mr. Cătălin-Lucian ZMOLE, e-mail: